Soon, I’m gonna be at;

I’m not sure what I’ll do, but well,I want to go places and see people, I want my mind to grow. I want to live where things happen on a big scale. I really love going places somewhere and taking adventures all by myself and God.I have list of places that I want to be there soon as possible;

  • I want to travel my country  first, Of course it’s where I’ve came from. It’s more fun in the Philippines right? Sad to say I’ve only travelled few places from my 17 years of existence. When I’ve had enough in my country I want to be in
  • New York merely at Statue of Liberty,I want to gaze and take pictures for a lingering time. I want to enjoy every moment, I wont trifle away the chance to roam around at the big apple.  Second is at Central Park, even though I don’t even been there, but the pictures make me feel to trudge there instantly. Third is at
  • Italy

I really love to go there, the place is so romantic, lots of beautiful spots and places, the best is they have retrieved their ambience it is currently beautiful and nice to live with. It surpassed me to go there after I’ve watched the movie IYAM, 

    • ParisI just want to got there and take a gazillion number of selfies.
    • Hongkong

    Of course I also wanted to meet and greet the  cartoon characters that I’ve watched ever since I was a child until now I often watch cartoons rather than anything. I want to capture every single edge or corner of it. I don’t wanna squander a single little moment to roam around at this magical place.

    As of now I know it is just a dream, for I know there are lots of barriers to encounter with, I’m too young for now to travel the world alone. I don’t have also a passport/visa. Idon’t have enough money to spent with, lol I have no job right now, the only thing that makes me busy today is studying. The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you ate not going to stay where you are. I promise to myself that I will finished my studies to get a stable and better job in the future. All I have to focus on is the bright side, cause If I am going to look at the negative side of it, I know my dream will always be a dream. As they say be optimistic. Something will bound to happen all I want to do is to wait. Don’t worry little bella it will happen soon.